Our doctors

At Radiologie La Côte, we are all aware that radiological examinations can cause anxiety for our patients. That is why we do our utmost to offer you a pleasant, friendly environment to relieve any stress you may be feeling. Our physicians speak French, English, Spanish and Portuguese. Multilingual, they can understand you and converse with you confidently.

“We are tuned into you and we will willingly provide you with results of radiological examinations performed at the centre if you so wish. We make it a point of honour to ensure that every patient leaves our institute with an insight to the results of their examinations.”

Bahar Popal

Médecin radiologue FMH
Radiologie générale et interventionnelle
Imagerie de la femme

Ancienne cheffe de clinique en imagerie de la femme et urogénitale au CHUV

Vincent Lenoir

Spécialiste en radiologie médicale
Spécialiste en radiologie ORL et maxillo-faciale
Spécialiste en neuroradiologie